Mumbai, April 2 (IANS) Actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu revealed that the action in the upcoming series 'Citadel: Honey Bunny' and 'The Family Man' are very different.
The action sequences Samantha performed in 'The Family Man' as Raji gave her a lot of appreciation.
Shedding light on the stunts she has performed, the actress revealed the rigorous training and prep that went into executing the sequences for the upcoming series starring Varun Dhawan.
Samantha said: "It is very different in terms of the action from what I did for ‘The Family Man’ for the character of Raji. So it is different and I’m very very excited about the action in ‘Citadel’.”
“Definitely it is something I wanted to get from Raji and I think that has happened. Some of the highlights of the series are action bits and I am really looking forward to watching them on screen," she added.
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